I have just returned from the Locarno Triathlon where the wind blew, the rain poured and I did my very best for the children of India. Mummy says it certainly wasn’t a walk in the park but I know that already because I ran as fast as my legs would let me.
All of us children were allowed a grown up with us so we didn’t get confused or run off in the wrong direction because it was confusing with so many of them shouting out our names. Uncle William was my triathlon buddy but Daddy said I had a bigger team of helpers at each changeover point than Jenson Button at any of his pit stops.
We all got very wet but at the end we were given a bag with a T-shirt, hat and cookie in it for finishing our triathlon. Uncle Will said he was very jealous because they didn’t have a T-shirt big enough for him and he had completed the race, too. I think he was hoping for a bite of my cookie, but then so was my brother Jack.
But at the end I got the best prize of all – Uncle Andy told me the best story in the world about dragons that went on forever!
So Mummy says that all I have to do now is thank all of you who have donated to the children. And to ask anyone who hasn’t to just give a little amount if you can afford it. Oh, and she says that I’ve done my very best, so can you do your very best, too!
My name is Harry.
And I am 3 years old.
Warming up with Uncle Will
Lining up for the start
Speedy change for my bike ride
I get by with a little help from my friend
Finished the race and claimed the prize
Won the hat, wearing the T-shirt
Eating my prize. It's OK, Jack got some too
And afterwards, a story for being a good boy
And thank you from the Kids